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What is AEM Testing? A Complete Guide For Beginners

QA Testing for AEM

Adobe Experience Manager is a management suite for content of different kinds that businesses float on the digital landscape. The AEM suite is designed to be part of the digital experience management suite, which is very helpful to businesses and users. More than 10,500 companies on the global level are using AEM as a campaign management tool. The AEM suite from Adobe works smoothly with the type of content you want to develop and is very consistent in the content quality it creates.

Before AEM is integrated into the content management system, it is important to check and test its features to ensure it works smoothly. AEM testing is done by testers who know about Adobe’s new features and modifications. In this blog, you will learn about what AEM testing means and how testers complete their QA analysis.

What is AEM (Adobe Experience Manager)?

Adobe Experience Manager, or AEM, is a smart and intuitive content management system designed by Adobe that is used to manage content on websites, mobile apps, and digital forms. AEM is one suite that has all the tools needed for content creation, delivery, and management. The AEM suite is easy to integrate with your marketing workflows and increases team productivity.

Why is AEM Popular in digital marketing and enterprise solutions?

AEM is very popular among digital marketers and content managers as it is a complete solution for online marketing. It is a content management tool that can be scaled up to the enterprise level and works seamlessly for a diverse range of industries. Adobe Experience Manager is also very flexible, and it can manage different kinds of content with its range of tools and features.

If you know how to do AEM testing sevices properly, then you can also choose the best features to help make your content high-quality. The AEM suite can adapt to different needs and demands from the business landscape. At an enterprise level, AEM is very efficient and useful.

Why is Adobe Experience Manager Testing Important?

AEM QA testing is an important step in integrating AEM into the workflow so that the team can test its functionality and features. The testers check for each feature and use case of the AEM to ensure that the suite is highly productive. The AEM QA testing process also ensures that internal bugs and latent issues come up for identification.

The testing and integration team then resolves these issues so that the Adobe Experience Manager tools work seamlessly with any kind of content in the future. Through AEM testing, the integrations and workflows can be tested. Software testing for AEM helps in reducing performance issues so that it functions smoothly.

The testing process also helps make the UI of AEM better so that professionals can work with it and have a good user experience. The AEM suite has also been tested for compatibility with the business website and digital compliance rules. Thus, testing for AEM helps secure and validate the software before its use.

Also Read: How to Improve Test Automation Reporting for Better Decision-Making?

What are the Different Types of AEM Testing?

1. Functional Testing

During the functional testing process of AEM, the AEM Software Testing team plans the tests for testing all the functions of the suite. The minute functions and components of the AEM software are also tested thoroughly by functional testing services.

For example, the AEM Software Testing team tests for the components of the suite, conducting drag-and-drop functionality tests and content management functions tests. Moreover, the AEM suite has also been tested for media and asset management on the website or in its form. Thorough Testing for AEM is important to validate its performance and functions before use.

2. Non-Functional Testing

For AEM testing on performance grounds, the testing team needs to use performance testing services. Testing for AEM includes running tests for its performance levels across different loads and stresses. The AEM suite will work in real life under different conditions and loads. Therefore, the performance testers will run load tests and stress tests to check for consistent performance.

During the load testing process, multiple users try to access the AEM platform to see how the features respond and how easily it works when the load increases. These tests are run to see how the suite handles high user activity and higher content loads. The team also increases the load on the suite to see how far it can work before reaching its performance threshold.

Security testing services design tests to check the vulnerabilities and risks present around the AEM suite. AEM QA testing is not complete without running through security tests and risk assessments. To secure the content and media that you share on the platform, you need to check the security layers and access control systems around the AEM suite.

The testing team checks for the authentication and access systems linked with the platform. The testers also create tests to check for the suite’s vulnerability to code injection and malicious inputs from external agents. The security testing team reports the risks and problems that might exist around the AEM so that the integration team can minimize them.

The team carrying out the AEM automation testing process also checks for the suite’s usability. For example, it runs tests on the user interface and responsive nature of the suite so that the AEM suite is user-friendly. The usability tests are run to check if the suite is efficient and responds to user commands. The tests identify the usability issues in the software so these can be resolved, and users can increase their productivity with its use.

Task-based testing also happens to check the usability level of the suite so that it is clear how easily a user finishes his tasks on it. The navigation controls and information flows on the platform are tested by the usability testers. The usability tests also check if the suite can run on a diverse range of new devices and search engines.

Regression testing services help ensure that the platform works smoothly despite the changes done to the suite after testing. AEM software testing includes regression tests that check the content-authoring features of the platform. The publishing features of the AEM platform also go through checks to ensure that content can go through the platform to the final publishing portal.

Authoring actions and management actions like drag and drop, editing, and organizing are tested through regression testing. The testing team also tests the existing and customized components of the AEM software to ensure that it functions smoothly. The testers also do regression tests on the page structure and existing templates to see if the changes have affected the overall look and feel of the software UI.

AEM automation testing is done by automation testing services so that its automated features are tested and validated. AEM automation tests check for functionalities and workflows, ensuring that the automated features work smoothly and rapidly. The testing team checks the components of the workflow, their overall performance, and their integration to ensure that the suite works like a well-oiled machine.

The testers also design automated API tests to check for the different features and additional modifications of the AEM software. The automation features enabled on the suite are checked so that the team can use these features to get their work done at a faster pace.

Also Read: Future of Load and Performance Testing: Trends to Watch in 2024

Best Practices for Adobe QA Testing

Test planning is as important as the actual QA testing for AEM. What you need is to plan the testing lifecycle and lay out the requirements early on. Proper planning and organization of complex tests can help create a smooth cycle with optimal results. When an extensive suite like Adobe Experience Manager is tested, thorough planning can optimize the resources and time. The Adobe QA testing team for AEM needs to understand the features and modifications of the suite to test the functionality properly.

During software testing for AEM, it is important for the testers to use automation wherever possible. The automated tools for AEM QA testing help reduce room for human errors and increase the speed of testing. When the test cycles need to run on a short timeline, automated tools are best for creating a test methodology.

Hire testers who know how to use automated tools to test AEM. Thirdly, the testers need to know about the different devices and portals on which the AEM will run. The business site, browser, and devices that the AEM will integrate with also need testing for cross-browser compatibility and device compatibility.

This way, the AEM can be completely integrated and accessed across different channels. The testing team needs to create and maintain test scripts so that the AEM modifications and changes can be tested from time to time. Moreover, the test scripts can be created using self-healing tools that adapt to the needs of the testing environment.

One last tip that every professional tester adheres to is the importance attached to security testing. The testers running tests on AEM should devise security tests so they can screen for minor and major issues. The security tests should be updated and run from time to time so the Adobe QA testing team can ensure that the AEM suite works without any threat.

Optimize Your AEM Experience with Expert Testing Solutions!

Now that you know what AEM is and what is AEM testing? You can create a testing team that can validate the new AEM system you want to implement for your company. Content marketing and digital marketing are important for nearly every company. Therefore, the use of AEM has a lot of scope for enterprises and business ventures.

Before the implementation and use of AEM, it is important to test its features and create an optimized workflow around them. You need to hire an Adobe QA testing team or company that can test the automated features of AEM and help with the secure use of the software. Only AEM’s validated and secure software can support productivity and the success of marketing activities.

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