Manual vs Automated Testing: Core Differences Explained

manual testing vs automation testing
26Jun, 2024

Software QA testing is a necessary step that you can’t skip if you want to deliver top-notch software. The testing process helps to track the inefficiencies and limitations your software contains. When it comes to testing, automation & manual testing are of two different types. Well, how do you decide which to opt for? So, the right approach to testing methods depends on the deadline, budget, project requirements, and so on! Through this blog, we are going to shed some light on the key differences between QA automation vs manual testing. Before you make an informed decision, read on the blog.

Automation testing has become the buzzword in the world of testing. The automation testing market size reached $55.2 billion in 2028; however, in 2027, it is anticipated to reach 16% by 2027. It ensures a bug-free user experience and also improves the productivity of developers and the testing team. However, Manual software testing services have also taken their place. Let’s move on to learn more about QA automation vs manual testing.

What is Manual Testing?

When looking for manual testing vs automation testing, in traditional manual testing, the testing teams manually check for errors & defects in any software. They do this by following the written test plan, which consists of sets of various test cases. The testing team of manual testing services analyzes the behavior of the website or application, whether it is functionally in sync or has some errors.

It is the responsibility of testers to spot abnormalities and irregularities in the desired behavior and report them to programmers. After simulating the issue, developers must address these flaws. All of this had to happen in the face of demand from several teams to get the improvements into production right away.

The method of manually carrying out test cases without the use of automated technologies is known as manual testing. Human interaction is needed to examine the application being tested thoroughly, create test cases, and carry them out in stages. There are several benefits to manual testing. First of all, it enables testers to have extensive knowledge of the program’s features and interface.

Testers can detect possible problems that automation would find difficult to detect by using their domain expertise and understanding. Furthermore, because manual testing is adaptive and flexible, it may be used to test complex, user-centered systems or in situations where objectives change regularly. Manual testing does, however, have several drawbacks.

Want to know the difference between automation testing vs manual testing? Manual testing might not be adequate to cover all potential test cases as applications get more sophisticated. This is when automated testing is introduced with more benefits. Before you learn about automated testing, we want to shed some light on the key features of manual testing.

Also Read: A Balanced Look: Manual Testing Advantages and Disadvantages

Key Features Of Manual Testing

1. Human involvement

This is done by a human testing team who utilize the product in the same manner as end users. Testers manually execute test cases, enter data, and see the outcome to identify mistakes.

2. Flexibility in test case execution

When looking for the difference between manual testing and automation testing, manual testing is more flexible than others. This is the other reason why organizations use this.

3. Exploratory testing capabilities

One popular kind of manual testing is exploratory testing, when testers go over the program without utilizing pre-made test cases. This approach helps identify unanticipated issues and assess the user experience.

What is Automated Testing?

The software QA automation testing services is done using automation tools. The best thing about automation testing is the QA experts can perform this test without requiring any manual work. Automated testing involves performing test cases and confirming that an application behaves as expected using specialized tools and scripts. It automates repetitive processes to decrease human involvement and boost productivity.

When differentiating manual testing vs automation testing. Automation testing has a few perks. First off, it makes it possible to run test cases more quickly, which leads to speedier feedback on the performance of the application. Another feature it offers is allowing tests to be automatically repeated to ensure that new modifications don’t have any undesired adverse effects.

Additionally, automation testing is perfect for large projects or systems that undergo regular changes. Not all forms of testing can be quickly automated, and an initial investment in infrastructure setup and tools is needed. Furthermore, scripts for automation must be updated frequently to reflect changes made to the program.

manual vs automation testing

Key Features of Automation Testing

1. Automated execution of test cases

In manual vs automation testing, automated tests are made to closely adhere to a predetermined set of processes; they lessen the possibility of human mistakes. The possibility of human testers making mistakes during test execution, such as missing a step, is reduced when tests are automated.

2. Reusability of test scripts

With only a press of a button, automated tests can be maintained and repurposed across several systems. It saves testers time from having to recreate and run tests for every testing cycle when you differentiate between manual vs automation testing.

3. Speed and efficiency

Automated tests may run constantly, simultaneously, and without human involvement around the clock. It speeds up test execution and cuts down on testing time.

Advantages of Manual Testing vs Automation Testing

Advantages of Manual Testing

  • Flexibility

There is no comparison to the versatility that manual testing provides when comparing automation testing vs manual testing. Unlike automated testing, where scripts must be rewritten in response to changes in the project’s demands or test cases, manual testing allows testers to make immediate improvements. Because of this adaptability, companies can react quickly to fresh information or modifications to the project’s scope.

  • User Experience Testing

One important aspect of every business is the true user experience, which is uniquely captured by manual testing. A software tester may offer input on the user interface and experience, as well as spot possible problems and the changes that should be made from the viewpoint of the end user.

  • Exploratory Testing

In the context of exploratory testing, testers heavily depend on their ability to creatively build and execute tests on the spot, using only their understanding of the functioning of the system they are testing. With this method, a tester can discover problems that would remain hidden from pre-written tests.

  • Cost-Effective for Short-term Projects

Manual testing may be quite economical for small-scale projects. In contrast to automated testing, which necessitates a large upfront tool and scripting investment, manual testing may be executed rapidly with lower resources. It is a wise and sensible decision for companies working on short-term initiatives with tight budgets.

Advantages of Automated Testing

  • Speed and Efficiency

Efficiency & Speed are the most obvious advantages of automated testing. An automated test completes the same processes faster than a manual test, which requires one or more testers to carry out hundreds of stages by hand. Organizations might not provide stable software products without timely automation, particularly as the program grows in size and features.

  • Reusability

Testing every small code change by hand might seem incredibly laborious, especially when it comes to regression testing. Developing scripts and repeatedly executing them is a stressful thing. You don’t have to develop test cases or manually run them when the codebase changes while using no-code test automation. Rather, your solution generates the test scripts that you can use again and run as needed, saving you time and money. Your work also gets less if your automation system provides pre-built keywords.

  • Consistency

Achieving test consistency is a crucial aspect of the testing process. Every time, automated evaluations execute exactly as they are written to do. By doing this, human error is eliminated, and it is hoped that test cases will provide findings that are consistent over test cycles. Automation makes it possible to test each application element in a cycle under identical circumstances.

  • Scalability

It is simpler to test several items at once when using automated tests, which may be applied to a variety of devices and setups. One way to assess the efficiency of your application across various devices and browsers is by using automated tests. By doing so, you can test the application’s many versions more quickly and make sure that they function as intended across a range of end-user devices.

  • Continuous Integration Support

Continuous testing is the process of continuously running automated tests to obtain quick feedback on organizational risks related to the application that is being tested. Consequently, it reduces the company’s risk and enhances feedback on a defect. As a result, continuous testing is essential to the DevOps approach and promotes teamwork.

Continuous testing is possible with test automation since it makes it possible to test apps quickly. You may use shift-left testing with it. It turns testing from an issue after the creation process to an early and visible aspect of the SDLC.

Also Read: Difference Between Functional and Non-Functional Testing

Disadvantages of Manual vs Automation Testing

Disadvantages of Manual Testing

  • Time-Consuming

Particularly for large or complicated systems, manual testing requires human participation for every scenario, which is far slower than automation. This may lengthen the production cycle overall and provide an obstacle for testing.

  • Human Error

Because manual testing requires meticulous attention to detail and expertise, it is very prone to human mistakes. This is especially true when repeating boring testing activities since one may overlook mistakes and produce inconsistent and erroneous test results. While most test specifications focus on the requirements test level, there is a fair amount of high-level and thorough test coverage. This is the one that could turn out to be unfeasible, leaving certain regions inadequately tested. It is most likely to thoroughly test every possibility that is connected, especially in complex systems.

  • Repetitive Tasks

Manual testing can take a while to validate the software’s functionality throughout the development cycle, which calls for constant focus, close attention to detail, and intense concentration. Consequently, there is a chance that testers will become fatigued, which might lower test quality or increase inaccuracy.

Disadvantages of Automated Testing

  • Initial Setup Cost

The fact that automated testing requires a substantial initial investment of time and funds is one of its primary disadvantages. However, in terms of increased developer efficiency and more reliable outcomes, this investment may frequently recover very quickly. Additionally, UIlicious provides reasonably priced premium plans that are accessible to anyone. Our goal is to enable automation for as many individuals as possible over the Internet!

  • Maintenance

It takes work to create an extensive set of automated tests. They must be dependable enough to allow regular and consistent use without producing inaccurate positives or negatives. However, your test scripts need to be flexible enough to evolve as your application does. Careful planning and execution, as well as a high degree of developer knowledge, are needed.

  • Limited Exploratory Testing

Similar objects are almost certain to cause problems in the test scripts for automating when a developer creates web pages with many items with the same ID and fails to inform the user to change the script. To handle such scenarios, more solutions like Perfecto scriptless & AI-powered technologies would be required.

  • Tool Limitations

Automation does speed up testing, but it also necessitates continuous script updates for all ongoing modifications that should be visible in the final result. It’s important to realize that automated testing complements manual testing in this situation; it doesn’t take its place.

When To Use QA Automation vs Manual Testing?


When To Use Manual Testing?

1. Exploratory Testing

For some testing circumstances, for example, when someone wants to gain insight about a product or service and offer quick feedback, exploratory testing is appropriate.

2. Usability Testing

Manual testing checks that the program works as intended. It validates the integrity of the system, & eventually provides the user with a bug-free final result.

3. Ad-hoc Testing

When there is little time, and extensive testing is needed, ad hoc testing can be carried out. Adhoc testing is often carried out following the formal test execution. Ad-hoc testing involves testers randomly evaluating design approaches and the application without adhering to any documentation. This testing is mostly conducted if testers have an adequate understanding of the app.

4. Short-Term Projects

When a product is just being developed and changing quickly, manual testing offers a fast approach to confirm functioning without having to spend time developing and maintaining automated scripts. Quick feedback is possible, which makes early bug discovery and rectification easier.

When To Use Automation Testing?

If you wish to execute identical test cases simultaneously on several machines, you must use automatic testing when there is a difference between manual testing and automation. Another effective strategy to reduce human mistakes in your testing is automation testing. While people are prone to making tiny mistakes, automation ensures that every test is identical.

1. Regression Testing

Regression tests that are automated take up the slack left by repeatable, based on rules, and accurate testing. As a result, testers may focus more of their time on developing new kinds of tests and less time on laborious, repetitive chores.

2. Load and Performance Testing

These checks may be easily automated, delaying a potentially problematic release. After resolving the performance problems, the team may confidently release. There is a greater chance that performance tests won’t be done prior to a release when they are carried out manually.

In a testing and development environment where code is frequently tested with individual users in mind, load testing can find things like system lag, page load problems, and anything else that might go wrong when multiple users access an application or flood a system with sudden traffic.

3. Large Projects

Automated tests are far faster than manual tests and may be repeated endlessly at no additional expense once they are produced. These are the reasons why we use automation testing for larger projects.

4. Continuous Integration

The development team that performs CI during the development phase integrates the changes in code with the help of automation testing.

difference between manual testing and automation

Hybrid Approach: Combining QA Automation vs Manual Testing

Both automated and human testing had advantages when combined. The secret is to make the most of each method’s benefits in a way that works well together. Usability testing, exploratory testing, and situations requiring intuitive thinking and visual examination may all be tested manually.

Regression testing, performance testing, and repetitive jobs requiring precision and efficiency, on the other hand, may be done via automation testing. Testing teams may achieve thorough test coverage, faster test cycles, and increased overall productivity by finding the ideal mix between human and automated testing.

The decision between human and automated testing is influenced by several variables, including the application’s nature, the project’s schedule, and the available resources. Each approach has benefits and drawbacks of its own. Therefore, the choice should be made after carefully weighing these aspects.

The best of both worlds may frequently be had by combining human and automated testing, guaranteeing comprehensive test coverage and quick feedback on the quality of the application. The particular requirements of your testing requirements should ultimately determine which type of testing, manual or automated, you should use.

Planning for exploratory testing is not necessary. To find what they’re searching for and begin examining the program, testers draft test ideas. Testers represent the unique interests of end users by choosing the features and activities to test on the fly. Compared to standard test cases, this kind of testing is likely to uncover more problems and edge situations. Numerous jobs can benefit from automation, which can be achieved through multiple ways.

Examples of Manual testing

  • The designers of a shopping website, for instance, know the desired purpose. Allow customers to choose items, add them to their carts, complete payments, and verify their orders. In exploratory testing, the team would handle the testing differently and without a strict strategy.
  • Exploratory testing assists in confirming that the system functions as anticipated and provides a simple and enjoyable user experience.
  • It enables testers to verify that optional features operate as intended. They would push the limits using strange situations in an attempt to break the components or features.
  • In this manner, QA may identify errors that were not included in the test case and devise solutions for them.

Examples of Automated Testing

Schedules, data storage, information, authorizations, and updates are all part of processes for businesses that are operating on schedule. Automation is useful in workflows involving data processing, decision-making, or repeated operations. Here are a few sectors where automation excels.

1. Processing

The majority of an organization’s operations include processing, which might include things like quality assurance, inventory control, budget approval, and invoice processing situations.

2. Healthcare

The healthcare industry requires a certain amount of energy and time. The process is accelerated and optimized through the use of automated processes and forms in telemedicine platforms, appointment scheduling software, and health records administration.

3. Banking

Repetitive jobs like data input, report production, and account reconciliation are frequently performed by automation in booming areas like banking.

4. Marketing

Businesses may lower expenses, enhance lead creation, and enhance consumer engagement by automating marketing scenarios. Automated ad targeting systems, social media management solutions, and email tools for advertising automation are a few examples.

Manual vs. Automated Testing: Decide & Implement Today!

After you learn all the things, such as the benefits and drawbacks of QA automation vs manual testing, how will you choose the ideal one? Both testing types have significant perks and limitations. We want to emphasize that you cannot automate everything, regardless of how good automated tests are.

Manual tests are useful in developing software and are necessary when automation is not an option. By keeping expenses under control, manual or automated testing guarantees the quick release of a website and application free of bugs. It’s a common misperception that automated testing will take the role of manual testing, but in our opinion, this is not feasible because manual testing is occasionally necessary.

Testing is a broad landscape. If some testing categories work better with automation testing, others can do well with manual testing. When looking for differences between manual and automation testing, automated testing is a good option. Which testing strategy will you opt for? Hire a manual testing company to gain more knowledge.

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About The Author
Digital Marketer at KiwiQA: Software Testing Service Provider Company Worldwide.

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