Finding the Right Performance Testing Partner: Key Points to Consider

performance testing partner
21Oct, 2024

When creating any kind of app or website, it is important to look at the parameters of its performance. A company needs to run performance tests on the website or digital platform to ensure that it works smoothly and can maintain its performance overall. Only a good performance testing company can help you run thorough performance tests on the app you create.

It is important to find a performance testing partner who helps you design and run thorough tests on the digital product you want to launch. A good performance testing partner can go a long way in ensuring that there are no gaps and issues with the app or website when it is used by users. The app should ideally handle high traffic and fluctuating loads.

For this, diverse test cases have to be run on an application so it can be ready for the market. In this article, the steps to find a performance-testing partner for your development company are outlined. Check the insights and tips shared in this article so you know what to look for in a good performance-testing partner.

Top Key Points for Find a Performance Testing Partner

Performance testing services are part of the testing services that a good testing company offers. Performance tests are important as the launch of high-efficiency and high-performance apps is important for companies. To understand how big a part of the company revenue is from an application launch, here is a snippet.

Nearly 3 out of 4 companies depend on mobile app launch and use for 25% of their annual revenue. The success of the app product depends highly on the performance testing partner you choose for your App Development Company and apps in the pipeline. Only a high-performance, error-free app can boost the overall profits of your app development company.

1. Understanding Your Performance Testing Needs

  • Assess Your Application and Infrastructure

Before you choose the type of performance testing partner you want for the app, you need to assess the type of app that will go through the testing. For example, are you doing cross-platform testing or simply want to test out a desktop app? Mobile apps are the most popular, so the team might need performance testing services for a new mobile app.

Choosing a reliable partner for performance testing also depends on the performance metrics you want to track. The app’s performance will come through in the responses it gives and how fast it responds. The loading time and risk level of crashing for the app are also some metrics that need tracking.

For example, an app user usually expects the app to crash 1 to 2 percent of the time he logs in. On the other hand, too many crashes in apps lead to 71 percent of uninstalls. Therefore, the performance testing team has to check for the loading time and crash risk. Another metric that needs attention is the kind of performance the app shows on different devices. This particular metric is important if the app is run on a cross-platform basis.

  • Define Specific Goals

The importance of performance testing only comes through when your team is clear about the app performance metrics it needs to test. Defining the goals of the performance testing process gives it a defined direction. You need to discuss the overall goals and expected outcomes of the process with the hired performance testing company. For example, the performance testing team has to design test cases to check for the level of scalability a certain app has.

The performance tests also have to check for the range of load that the app can handle. You can also hire a dedicated load-testing company for this. The team will design tests that will put the app through different activity loads to find out about its performance threshold. There will also be some bottlenecks and issues that have to be specifically screened and addressed. Get the performance testing company on the same page about the tests to run.

Also Read: Future of Load and Performance Testing: Trends to Watch in 2024

2. Expertise and Industry Experience

  • Specialization in Performance Testing

When choosing a reliable partner for performance testing, always look for a testing company that can engage a dedicated team for the process. The performance testing services should focus on app metrics. Moreover, the performance testing team should be skilled at using the most advanced and automated app testing tools like JMeter, Gatling, etc.

  • Experience in Your Industry

The process of how to find a trusted performance testing company involves finding a company that is familiar with analyzing apps similar to the one your team has developed. If you have created a healthcare app, choose a team that is experienced in healthcare app testing.
The performance testing team should know about the industry standard and compliance requirements of your sector. Similarly, if you are thinking about launching an app in the e-commerce sector, then choose a performance testing company that has a track record linked with it.

3. Comprehensive Testing Approach

  • Types of Testing Provided

The range of performance testing services that the company provides also matters a lot. The team should be experienced and skilled enough to test for varied loads, stress factors, and application endurance levels. The app testing team should design test cases that mimic different conditions so that the app can be observed in various states. The comprehensive testing team should also offer client-side and server-side testing services so that all aspects of its performance can be tested thoroughly.

  • Test Automation and CI/CD Integration

An advanced and experienced performance testing team always works with the newest automation tools and techniques for tests. The performance testing company you hire should have upskilled workers who are comfortable working with test automation tools. The team should be AI-capable and should also work closely with the CI/CD pipeline. The CI/CD, pipeline, and testing approach ensures that the digital MVP is ready for initial deployment.

importance of performance testing

4. Technology Stack and Tools

  • Compatibility with Your Environment

Among the questions you ask on how to find a trusted performance testing company, you should consult with the team and see if the testing team can work on a remote cloud environment and a hybrid environment. The ideal performance testing team should adapt to the different types of testing environments clients wish to create. The team testers should be skilled in testing Windows, mobile OS, Android, Linux, etc.

  • Use of Modern Performance Testing Tools

When choosing a reliable partner for performance testing, make sure that you are hiring a team that has access to all the modern testing tools. Discuss with the testers and know if they are using paid testing tools or open-source tools for test runs. This will also give you an idea of how the tool cost integrates into the testing budget. Moreover, choose a team that can work with cloud-integrated testing tools like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and others.

5. Customization and Flexibility

  • Tailored Testing Solutions

When consulting with your performance testing partner for the kind of strategy they will follow for the project, find out if they are on the same page about the needs you put forth. The team should be able to customize the test cases according to what the app needs. Moreover, you are searching for a team that will create a strong partnership with your company. Therefore, you should hire a team that can change and customize the testing strategy accordingly. The product will evolve, and with that, you will need continued support from the performance testing company.

  • Scalability of Services

The performance testing services that you acquire from the testing company should be scalable and useful. The team should be ready to offer you testing services on a flexible budget. The testers should be able to scale the services up or down as per your evolving needs. The testing team should be versatile and responsible so it can handle different testing loads and requests from the client side.

Also Read: How to Improve Test Automation Reporting for Better Decision-Making?

6. Transparent Communication and Reporting

  • Clear Reporting and Data Interpretation

A good and accountable performance testing company has a strong and responsive feedback loop. You need to check if the company is collaborative and allows your team to participate. The communication between your team and the testing team should be clear and transparent so the project is a success. Clear communication expedites the testing and improvement process. When choosing a reliable partner for performance testing, pick professionals who are accountable and share updates with your team on a regular basis.

  • Actionable Insights

The performance testing team with which you work should not only test but also share crucial information with your team. It should share insightful reports with your app development team so that the developers can improve and minimize errors in the app product.

The testing team should be an active collaborator and should share suggestions that will improve the future development process. The team should also test to check for bottlenecks and gaps, which it can share with the development team. With actionable insights, the present and future development processes can be improved.

7. Cost-Effectiveness and Pricing Models

  • Transparent Pricing

Before you hire a performance testing company for a strong partnership, you need a thorough discussion about the financials of the project. The client should know about the rate of engagement and the fees that the company charges. Ask them whether they charge flat rates, hourly work rates, or take payment on a per-project basis to figure out the budget you need. The financial costs need to be clear before the testing project starts. You should also ask and inspect any hidden costs that the testing company might charge.

  • Return on Investment (ROI)

As a client company, you should also analyze the ROI that you get from outsourcing the performance testing services. You need to take the app scale and see if hiring the testing company helps with better resource utilization and optimization. The cost of investment should be less than the value and benefits you get from performance testing. If you are not satisfied with the ROI insights, then search for a different performance testing company or hire a small in-house team.

difference between manual testing and automation

8. Client Testimonials and Case Studies

  • Proven Track Record

It is very important to look at the overall image of the performance testing company in the market before you hire it for your app. You have to run thorough background checks and research about the testing company before you take them on board as a partner. You need the services of a highly ethical testing partner.

To ensure that the company you hire is a good one and can handle the project, you need to take a look at its reputation and body of work. Research and scope out the previous work projects they have completed. Look at real case studies and client testimonials to ensure that you are able to trust the performance testing company.

  • References and Reviews

You should look at the available client reviews and validate them so you know that the company and its services are authentic in nature. You should also ask for references and contacts from the team so that you can conduct checks and get a reputation review from their old clients. A company that transparently shares its body of work and client list is a trustworthy company.

9. Post-Test Support and Collaboration

  • Ongoing Support

When collaborating with a performance testing partner, ensure that the one you choose offers ongoing support and helps in updating the software. The company should offer you a long-standing partnership that helps to retest and improve the application over a longer timeline after the app launch. Ongoing support and help from the testing company after launch can maintain the quality of the developed app.

  • Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

The testing team you hire should have a strong collaborative mindset that helps the team members in partnering with your development team. The testing cycles and development cycles should run parallel to each other. There should be seamless communication and cooperation between the two teams.

The testing team should share suggestions and knowledge with the development team so you can depend on it for your development needs. Robust collaboration and knowledge transfer help in creating high-performance digital products from the development company.

10. Security and Data Privacy

  • Data Handling Policies

During the testing process, the security and privacy of company data and app data are important. Hire a good team that adheres to the best handling practices of the industry. A testing company should be trustworthy and ethical, so your app does not combat any external threats. You should enter into a binding confidentiality agreement with the testing company so that sensitive data about the project does not leak to competitors.

The performance testing company should adhere to industrial standards and uphold the legal requirements of data handling within the outsourced testing framework. If you are not sure about the security of your app framework during the project, you should stop the collaboration.

  • Handling Sensitive Information

The testing partner should have secure and safe data handling processes and tools in place so that sensitive information about the ongoing project does not leak. The team should attach importance and accountability to the confidentiality of the project data. A fruitful collaboration is only possible when the two partners of the project can trust each other. Always take precautions to protect the sensitive information about the project so that your company and app revenue do not suffer.

Boost Performance & Scalability: Get a Free Test Consultation!

Performance testing is very important to ensure that an app is ready for the market and can perform well after the deployment. Among the extensive tests that you need to run on a new app, product performance testing is the primary one. A good performance testing company will complete these test cycles quickly and reduce the burden on your team.

You can optimize resources and save money as well as time if you choose the right testing partner for the app. However, before you trust a testing company, consult thoroughly with them and run checks on their team so the testing partnership solidifies and is fruitful in the long run.

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About The Author
Digital Marketer at KiwiQA: Software Testing Service Provider Company Worldwide.

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